Here at Lemuria, we’re pretty into the Enneagram.

We’ve always had a great Eneagram section in our store with a wide variety of Enneagram books, so it’s only fitting that we would host the amazing Suzanne Stabile for her book tour of The Path Between Us. We’re all pretty excited!

path between usIn The Path Between Us, Stabile shares the Enneagram’s wisdom on how relationships work–or don’t. With her generous and insightful approach, she reveals why all Enneagram types behave as they do. This book also offers help in creating more loving, mature, and compassionate relationships with everyone in our lives. This can be personal relationships, family relationships, and/or work relationships. We’ve pretty much all figured out what our Enneagram numbers are in the store, either by choice or by someone else figuring it out for us. So, we’re all working on using Stabile’s new book to help us interact with one another a little better. It’s very helpful to now see when a two is overwhelmed from taking on too much from others, and a five is feeling uncomfortable in a certain situation now.

I’m a 1 and I’m pretty okay with that. I feel like I’m mostly on the healthy side of a being a 1, but I know I see and feel myself on the unhealthy side at times. I think that being a 1 helps me with my daily tasks at work. I like to be very organized and to plan out my day, which I feel helps me to make sure I am getting all of my tasks done, and helps me to organize my front desk team/booksellers for daily tasks and for book signing events. I also think that being a 1 helps me to make decisions and to be able to problem solve quickly, which comes in handy.

However, I am also very particular about how and why I do certain things. For example, I put out most of our large quantities of books and have a certain way I like them and really think through the process and placement of them. It’s hard for me to understand why someone else wouldn’t put the same amount of effort and thought into doing this and frustrates me when it happens. Therefore, I end up thinking my way is the only way to do certain things and end up trying to just do everything myself. I also like to keep my anger in, which means that when I do become frustrated, I feel like a lot comes out all at once and I am rude when I try to explain why I feel things need to be done a certain way. All in all, I feel like Stabile’s book has helped me to better understand myself and those around me so that I can take the right steps in different situations with different people.

I asked some of my fellow booksellers to tell me their numbers and why they feel like the Enneagram has helped them better understand themselves as well. Here is what they had to say! Enjoy!

I’m a 4 with a 3 wing. 4’s tend to expect a lot from relationships, and not all of their hopes are realistic. Knowing and learning about myself as a 4 has helped me to notice the differences between what other people want out of relationships and what I want, and by being aware I can keep my expectations grounded in reality.


aimee enneagram vertI’m a 4, and we’re often described as very in tune with our emotions. As Suzanne Stabile says “4’s have as many emotions in an hour as [another number] has in a week.” While I already knew this about myself, it was helpful to learn more about how my number typically relates to other numbers. Now I know not to take it personally if a friend doesn’t take as much interest in something I as I do; it’s understandable that not everyone outwardly feels as deeply as 4’s do.


I’m a 1, so it’s hard for me to admit when maybe I’m not doing things perfectly, especially in my relationships. Stabile’s book helped me see from the perspective of others in my life so I can be more sensitive to what they’re feeling and know how to communicate with them better.


I’m a five. Even though I often prefer self improvement through experience, rather than theory, I’ve found learning about the Enneagram to be a fun, engaging, and comprehensible way to understand my motivations and personal relationships.


I’m a five. Enneagram study is a good way to internally reflect on what drives your personality unconsciously. Reflecting on the hidden motives of your shadow controls can open the doors of perception to your inner self and a more authentic self is the result. Knowing my Enneagram number and how it affects different relationships has helped me not be as manipulating.


pat enneagram vertBeing a six is not easy. We sixes want to make the world a safe place, especially for ourselves. It’s our most basic need. Just look at the world around us-DANGER ZONES everywhere. When the danger zone settles into our psyche—somebody, please bar the door! Being an awakened, progressively recovering 6, I channeled the need for safety to the homeless pets of the city of Jackson Animal Shelter, to help find safer places for them. That calling has changed my worldview. Thanks, Suzanne Stabile.

Suzanne Stabile will be at Lemuria on Tuesday, May 8, at 5:00 p.m. to sign and read from The Path Between Us.

Learn more: Jana Hoops interviews Suzanne Stabile
