The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training of the Mind
by Traleg Kyabgon
Shambala (2007)
The word lojong is Tibetan for “mind training.” Lojong is training the mind to be intelligent in a very fundamental way, developing basic intelligence and making intelligent use of our emotional nature which leads to seeing and thinking more clearly.
We do not have the power to stop other people from doing certain things, but we do have the power to resist becoming adversely affected by the wrongs done to us by others, whether real or imagined.
This very practical book offers teachings and advice on how to cultivate compassion in our daily routines and workday: With lessons on how to maintain practice through the duration of our lives, we can keep the commitment to mindfulness by transforming adversity into awareness
Lojong is another serious and helpful book which I found through reading an excerpt in Best Buddhist Writings of 2008. I cannot emphasize enough on how one book leads to another which then leads to another and so on. It is truly the power of the reading path.
Lojong is a fine book to study for those who enjoy Salzberg’s Loving Kindness and the fine books by Pema Chodron.