Growing up in a household with not one but two parents who are artists, I was never bored. I was also constantly surrounded by beautiful art. Whether it was my parents own stunning photography or various other artists on display in our turn-of-the-century house in Sumner, Mississippi, our walls were and still are always full of handsome art.

That being said, my appreciation for art is not limited to only things that hang on a wall. I also love beautiful art books, which is why I am so excited to talk about a lovely new book on Eudora Welty’s gardens that is soon to be published by the University Press of Mississippi. The book features writings (and some photos) by Susan Haltom and Jane Roy Brown with photographs by Langdon Clay, who just happens to be my dad!

Accompanying my dad’s photos is a wonderful and engaging look at the history of the garden of the Welty house or as Eudora called it, “my mother’s garden.” Haltom and Brown do an excellent job of telling the story of Chestina Welty, Eudora’s mother, and her love for gardening, which strongly influenced Eudora and her writings.

Before I perused this book, I was not aware that as Eudora was establishing her writing career in her late twenties, she was also becoming an adept gardener thanks to her mother Chestina’s guidance. Sadly the gardens of Chestina’s generation did not last, but towards the end of Welty’s life, the restoration of her “mother’s garden” was underway and the results continue to impress at the Welty house today.

The book will be launched on October 6th with a signing party in the garden at the Welty House from 12-3 p.m., hosted by the Eudora Welty Foundation. For more info, check out the Welty Foundation’s website.

Also, Lemuria will host a signing on Saturday, October 8th at 11:00 AM.

by Anna
