I have talked about my to read stack at my house before, how it just never seems to get any shorter, no matter how fast I read.  I swear I go home everyday with a new book.  I continually have the conversation with my customers about “so many books…so little time”.   I think that I have found an answer that works for me.  In fact, I am now addicted to audio books!!

This started in November all because I had some friends getting married in New Orleans.  Normally, Steve is driving and I read but I was going alone and upset I was going to loose three hours of reading time.  Then the idea struck me…audio book! With Emily’s help I decided to listen to Wildwood by Colin Meloy.

She and some other co-workers had read it and been raving about it so I thought I would give it a shot.  I have never had so much fun heading down the ‘double nickle to the dime’.  All of a sudden, I wasn’t on the highway anymore. I was with Pru and Curtis, who had ventured into the Impassable Wilderness, tracking down Pru’s baby brother, who had been swooped up by a murder of crows and disappeared into this mysterious place.  While there, we encountered an army of coyotes, a nation of birds and magic.  I became just as entwined as Pru and Curtis did with the struggle in Wildwood.  I found myself talking back to the CD and one night even sat in my car, listening and eating Pizza Shack a little too long.  My battery was dead the next morning!!

My next foray was a little different,  I decided to go with ‘real life’ instead of fantasy.  I feel like I am now best friends with Keith Richards or at least I was ‘hanger on’ with the Rolling Stones.  You would not believe how alarmingly honest he is in his autobiography, Life.  My curiosity was piqued after hearing some of my friends talk about reading this for their ‘rock-n-roll’ book club.  They were just raving about it so Life was on my list. I had the best time…it was like the British Invasion was in my Envoy!  It was great listening to Keith talk about the Blues and Mississippi musicians and Johnny Depp reading is not so shabby either.
