With John Brandon’s Citrus County being this month’s First Edition Club pick (and his first novel Arkansas being a big-seller too), I thought now would be a good time to introduce (or remind) everyone about McSweeneys–how wonderful it is AND how you can buy all sorts of McSweeneys publications right here at Lemuria.

So, first things first, the introduction.  McSweeneys was started in 1998 as a literary journal edited by Dave Eggers (you know Dave Eggers, the author of What is the What, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, The Wild Things, Away We Go, You Shall Know Our Velocity and Zeitoun) that only published works that had already been rejected by other magazines.  Since then it has evolved with authors now writing stories that are intended specifically for McSweeneys.  The company has gone from being just one quarterly journal into a small publication house that not only turns out the quarterly, but also has four other imprints and two monthly magazines (the Wholphin and The Believer).

Now that you know a little bit about McSweeneys and its beginnings, take a look at this list of my personal favorite authors who have been published by McSweeneys in one way or another:  Aimee Bender, Michael Chabon, Joyce Carol Oates, Ann Beattie, Per Petterson,Stephen King, and David Foster Wallace.

And guess what.  We have a little of everything here at Lemuria–books published by McSweeneys imprints, McSweeneys quarterly, issues of Wholphin, and issues of The Believer.  You should come by and take a look.  I’m afraid this little blog post doesn’t do them much justice.  -Kaycie
