You are the 911 call operator for small town, Bulls Mouth, Tx. You are a policeman but since being shot this is what you do.  All day you sit at the desk and take calls ranging from domestic violence to the cat is in the tree and won’t come down.  Coffee is your best friend.  You look at the clock-one hour left-then home, a few beers, sleep, and start again.  The phone rings and you see it’s from a pay phone, probably some kids playing a trick.  “911 May I help you?”  A girls voice, “Help Me. He’s coming after me!” You tell the girl to calm down and ask her name.  “My name is Sarah, NO it’s Maggie, Maggie Hunt.  Help!”  You cannot believe what your hearing…”Maggie?!?  It’s me, Daddy!”

Just a normal day at the office except for the fact that your daughter who has been missing for seven years and was declared legally dead four months ago just called your 911 line begging you to help her.

I really liked what Ryan David Jahn did with The Dispatcher.  As a reader, you are plunged right into the story about what and why this is happening to Maggie and how it has affected all those involved the past seven years.  One could almost feel bad for the kidnappers.  There are really no questions left unanswered.  I really think that if you are looking for a book to spend the afternoon with or need something to pass the time on a airplane ride that The Dispatcher is the perfect book for it.  Not only is this book a thriller but it asks the question What will you do for someone you love?
