back in december of 2007 i read an awesome little book of short stories titled st. lucy’s home for girls raised by wolves.

about a week ago when our random house reps were here for a sales call they met with all of us lemurians to share their big upcoming titles.  one that i had my eye on was karen russell’s new novel, swamplandia!

i started reading swamplandia! a few days ago and am quite impressed.  the story is based around a alligator wrestling family with its own island park in florida.  the main character, ava is the youngest of three children.  when the main attraction of the park, ava’s alligator wrestling mother, dies suddenly the park takes a turn for the worse.  with no tourists to keep the park open the father takes long trips to the main land, the older sister becomes a spiritist and starts communicating with ghosts and the brother runs away to try to make money to keep the park out of debt.

and that’s all i’m going to tell you.  you’re going to have to wait until february (when the book comes out) to find out what happens.

by Zita
