How in the world did August get here so fast?! I have been trying to carve out some reading time of late and catch up on some books that I have wanted to read.

I loved hearing Audrey Niffenegger when she was at Lemuria a couple of weeks ago. I have to say that Time Traveler’s Wife was not a real favorite of mine. I felt like if she had dropped about half of the jumping back and forth it would have been much more manageable and enjoyable because the premise was really great. So, when her next novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, arrived, I glanced at it but never read it. After listening to her, though, I was intrigued and picked it up….I am LOVING it!! It is beautifully written and has a very unusual and intriguing plot. I feel like Niffenegger never set out to have a blockbuster of a novel but Time Traveler’s Wife became just that. It’s not her style. She’s not flashy but Fearful Symmetry, seems to be much more of who she truly is….a gifted writer who researches and labors over the details and truly crafts her art. She is a bookbinder and visual artist which fits with her thoughtful and somewhat subdued personality. I am sure she is pleased to death with what her success with Time Travelers Wife brought but I would imagine she is enjoying this latest book in a much different way. She is just so good.

I also have just finished Troy Carnes book, Rasputin’s Legacy. I have known Troy for years from his coaching several of my girls in basketball at Jackson Prep and honestly picked up his book to be nice! I didn’t put it down for 2 days! It is fast paced and well thought out. I am so happy for him and hope many readers will pick up his book. I love stories set in and around WWII and have read just about every Holocaust book out there and this book has all of that but while it reads like a fast spy novel it also has huge heart. A great read.

More reviews and comments on Rasputin’s Legacy

More reviews of Her Fearful Symmetry
