In late November of 2008, when Kathryn Stockett came to Lemuria to discuss a signing for her first book, no one had any idea that The Help would become the phenomenal success that it has, least of all Kathryn herself.

My first inkling of what was to come arrived in the form of a galley proof of The Help from Kathryn’s editor Amy Einhorn.  Accompanying it was a glowing cover letter explaining that as a 20-year veteran of the publishing business Ms. Einhorn had just been given her own imprint and from many options had chosen The Help as her first title.  After reading the manuscript it was obvious to me, as well, that Kathryn was a gifted storyteller with a book whose message would have universal appeal.

With the signing and reading set for mid-February, our next job was to get the word out.  By the time the event itself took place, the word was indeed out and consequently it was a huge success with a great turnout.  Meanwhile Joe and Maggie, after some debate, decided to make The Help a First Edition Club choice.

And—as they say—the rest is history.  Since its release in February of 2009, The Help has spent 73 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List–with many weeks at the number one slot. It has sold over 2 million copies world-wide and has been translated into 40 languages.

Through it all Kathryn has remained the charming, unaffected young woman she was when she was absolutely sure that her book would be read only by her family and a few close friends. -Billie

Click here to see all of “Lemuria Reads Mississippians.”

Editor Neil White will be signing at Lemuria on  Thursday, October 28th.

Reserve your copy online or call the bookstore 601/800.366.7619.

