Hopson Plantation is the home of the annual Pinetop Perkins Birthday Celebration–taking place this Sunday.

Pinetop was the piano player for Muddy Waters’ legendary blues band from Belzoni and drove a tractor on Hopson in the 1940s. With a vibrant and legendary career at the age of 97, Pinetop has recently been honored with a 2011 Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement.

The Sunday after Helena (Arkansas Blues Fest– the Biscuit) is a fine gathering all around the acclaimed Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale. Lawn chairs, constant music, flowing beverage with BBQ are part of this very cool scene. This special Sunday is usually visited by some of the best Biscuit blues players jamming together impromptu. I’ve seen marvelous performances by Michael Burks and of course the maestro Pinetop on keyboards is always a special treat.

Pinetop Perkins with Jeanie Clinton at the Pinetop Birthday Celebration in Clarksdale 2008

One year I was given a gift, a piece of unique artwork by Chris Kruse signed by Pinetop, who if he’s up to it will autograph and be chariot-ed around Shack Up, visiting with all from a golf cart.

This Sunday in Clarksdale will also be alive with music sponsored by the incomparable Cathead Music Store (where you can buy Kruse’s art). Managed by pal Roger Stolle, the festivities will take over Delta Drive with the live music of the Cat Head Mini Fest. Big Red takes care of the BBQ.

Spend the evening time at Red’s Juke Joint with the Post-Biscuit blues jam featuring the Corn Lickers and guests. This scene is a blast for those with any energy left or no Monday AM obligations.

This weekend is a major Delta-time event with four full days of blues fun embellishing all aspects of musical comradeship.

Click here to see all of our blogs on Mississippi State of Blues.

Ken Murphy and Scott Barretta will be signing at Lemuria on Thursday, November 11th.

Reserve your copy online or call the bookstore 601/800.366.7619.

