zI read and loved The Great Gatsby while in high school and then found out that F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my Dad’s favorites too.  I went to his library and proceeded to ready everything I could get my hands on.  I even had two fair fish that I named F. Scott and Zelda.   I was absolutely thrilled when I found out this novel was coming out.  The pub date is March 26 so be ready to come by the bookstore and pick one up!! 

Therese Anne Fowler does a great job in  Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald of describing life in the “Roaring 20’s”. hemingwayfitzgerald You are invited to glamorous parties from New York to Paris with some of the famous names and faces of the time…Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Cole Porter and yes, the “golden couple”, F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald.  We also get a sneak peek into scott_zelda_thumbthe behind the scenes lives of Scott and Zelda and soon learn that not everything is “golden”.  In the beginning everything was grand but then Scott’s excessive drinking soon overtakes his writing and Zelda’s feelings of repressed creativity comes between them and the marriage is soon in a downward spiral.

zeldaflapperWhile this is a work of fiction, Therese Anne Fowler says in the afterward that she did do a lot of research into the lives of the Fitzgeralds but did have to come up with scenarios to explain what actually happened such as the animosity between Ernest Hemingway and Zelda Fitzgerald among others.  If you are a fan of the time period and/or enjoyed reading such books as The Paris Wife, The Chaperone and Loving Frank then I highly recommend Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald.
