hapHappiness is so elusive. We all want it, our country was founded on our unalienable right for the “pursuit of happiness”, but we are always just below the mark. It’s not that we are necessarily unhappy; we just aren’t as happy as we could be.

Now that January has passed, New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Best-selling author, Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, part memoir, part self-help, lays out a guide for how she systematically achieved happiness in a year.

After extensive research, from Zen philosophy to Benjamin Franklin’s own system of self-improvement, Gretchen has done the legwork into what really works to alter behavior enough to reach a higher level of happiness. Rather than spending an entire year on one or two changes, Gretchen devotes one month to one large goal, each with bite-size steps to achieve that goal.

Gretchen is candid in her success (and failure) each month. Her openness helps you have an ally in your own quest for happiness. It is easy to fall into step alongside her.
