Lemuria recently hosted events for Amy Greene and Elizabeth Kostova.

greenecropAmy Greene mesmerized us last week when she read from her first book, Bloodroot, set in Appalachia.  I was almost finished with her novel when she came; hearing her read a part I had read just a few days before brought the characters to life.  It’s really a treat to hear an author read her own work, especially one with so much promise.

kostova1We had a blast with Elizabeth Kostova this week in the dot.com building.  She recently followed the sensation of her first novel, The Historian, with The Swan Thieves, another thrilling tale, this time about a psychiatrist who becomes obsessed with discovering the motive behind a patient’s attempt to slash a painting at the National Gallery.

Don’t miss either of these wonderful reads, and if you missed the events, you should come to the next one!
