It’s one of those weird things about being a bookseller. Timepiece by Myra McEntire, which just came out June 2012, was one of my favorite reads of last November 2011. Weird right? We booksellers often read so far in advance, and Timepiece was one of those books I could not wait to read. I so vividly remember huddling in my kitchen, cooking dinner and reading Timepiece, too engrossed in this second installment of the Hourglass series to even go turn the heat on in my house.

Hourglass, Myra’s debut book, grabbed my attention with its stunning cover and its rave reviews, one of which hailed it as “Doctor Who for the YA market” (yes, Joe, I know I’m a nerd). I was hooked. And while Hourglass is a great introduction to a fascinating world, it was Timepiece that made me fall in love with it. This is one of those series that you are not going to want to miss.

You can tell just by talking to Myra that she is passionate about what she does. I have already had a very intriguing twitter conversation about her series with her and it was so much fun! I cannot wait to have her here at Lemuria on Tuesday, September 18th at 4:00. I will definitely be grilling her on the next installment, which was just bought by Egmont earlier this year. Swing by, grab a couple of excellent books, and meet Myra McEntire!
