housing boom and bustThe Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell

Basic Books (2009)

While recently reading 2010 articles on how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are attempting to avoid strangulation, I’m reflecting on Sowell’s eye-opening book I read last summer. Sowell’s wisdom is a reliable cornerstone of stability among all the babble on economic solutions spewing from Washington.

Housing Boom is a plain English explanation of how we got into the current economic disaster that developed out of the housing markets. Sowell explains the evolution of the boom, pulling no punches when discussing the political culprits of either party, the financial damages they created or the BS used to escape their own responsibility for what happened.

Reading The Housing Boom and Bust has helped me have a defrosted view on how to better interpret the facts and lies flowing out of Washington, 2010. (Whatever that means is up to me.) However, I feel the more informed we are the more likely we are to put forth the right business decisions in our own little worlds.

Awareness as a whole could prevent us from being blindly led to dysfunction. Thomas Sowell’s easy-to-read book is a step in the right direction.
