Di-a-be-tes (noun): a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by inadequate production or usage of insulin and causing excessive levels of glucose in the blood and urine

Re-verse (verb): to turn in the opposite direction or send on the opposite course

Reverse Diabetes published by Reader’s Digest introduces the Eat, Move and Choose plan.  It provides a 12 week step by step plan that will help with reserving diabetes and your need for medication as well as help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Let’s begin with the Eat plan. There are seven goals under this heading. A few seem to be reminders I have often heard:  increase your vegetable servings, decrease your carbohydrates intake, load up on fruits and include a lean protein at every meal. Reverse Diabetes gives tips on how to perfect your proportions when you load your plate and how to plan for each meal. Though that all sounds very easy, there is a quiz for you to take that will check the inventory of your eating habits and the foods you stock in your kitchen. You may, in fact,  find that you need to start the Eat plan today!

The Move Plan encourages you to do just that…move! If you have diabetes, there is a section on how to safely exercise with that diagnosis. The important thing to remember is to make active choices every day. Take the stairs. Make dinner that requires chopping. Wash your car by hand. Clean out your garage. Simple things each day can make a big difference in the amount of calories burned.

Choose! You’ve got choices to make all day long. Be wise. There are some important ones that will play a big part in how you look and feel. Sleep is important for your body to function. Find a way to unwind each day. This is important to help with any stress that you may  have. Be resilient. Studies have shown that people with resilience are able to deal much easier with day to day life with diabetes .

If you are in the situation to reverse your diabetes, Reverse Diabetes has a wonderful planner included. It helps with weekly meal planning and checking your progress as the week goes by. At the end of the week, there is a place for your successes and your confessions. With the help of this, you would be able to see where your weaknesses lie and where you need the most help. Once that is established, you will be on track to dropping your blood sugar and reversing diabetes.  -Quinn
