When I drive Harper (4 years) to pre-school we have to drive right past the bookstore. One day a couple of weeks ago she said, “There’s the bookstore,” and I said, “I like the bookstore.” Her response? “Me too, I like the book part”. No better response could she have given. “I like the book part” sums up what we’re trying to do at Lemuria almost perfectly. We’re about the books and we want to stay about the books and it’s a thrilling thing to hear your daughter say.
Harper said what she said because she has grown up in this store. Once or twice a month she and her little brother (Dee almost three) come to the store, sit in chairs or on the floor, and look at books. Sometimes we read to them and sometimes they dance for the booksellers or play with the toys that they find tucked between books in OZ.
And let me tell you something. This is what OZ Books is all about. There are lots of kids that come here every week or every couple of weeks, but I often wonder why there aren’t more. Please let me encourage you to bring your kids in and pick out a book every now and then. And don’t be afraid that they are going to tear something up or make to much noise. That kind of stuff is OK in OZ. (not that we want your kids to tear up books, but we want your kids to be kids)
Emily has been in charge back there for about a year and a half now and she’s done a truly great job. It feels welcoming. She has a great selection of books, and she really knows her books and loves talking about them. You can read many of her picks on our blog here.
Folks come in all of the time and say that they grew up reading on the floor in OZ while their parents shopped. Well, why not your kids?
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