With just a few days left in the year, I decided that it’s a good time to review my favorite books of 2010. I’m probably forgetting a couple of good books here, but as I thought back over what I’ve read, these are the books that stuck out in my mind.

Intellectuals and Society, by Thomas Sowell — Clear, precise, and insightful, as I’ve come to expect from Sowell.

Are We Winning?, by Will Leitch — A pleasant surprise from Leitch. Thoughtful, without lapsing into the sentimentality too common in sports memoirs.

The Big Short, by Michael Lewis — Demonstration that Lewis can make the most difficult and convoluted story into something compelling.

Blind Descent, by James Tabor — The best of the various pop science/adventure books I read this year.

The Passage, by Justin Cronin — I can’t say it better than Maggie: These aren’t your angst-ridden, emo teen vampires.

The Game from Where I Stand, by Doug Glanville — If I could have been a ballplayer, this is the book I would have wanted to write.

The Fall of the House of Zeus, by Curtis Wilkie — What more must be said about this book? Read it.
