How long have you worked at Lemuria?

Two months.

What do you do at Lemuria?

I work at the front desk, helping customers find the books they need, answering phone calls, and keeping track of inventory. My favorite part is setting out book displays.

Talk to us what you’re reading right now.

I’m reading John Grisham’s Theodore Boone middle grade series.

What’s currently on your bedside table (book purgatory)?

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness by Kay Jamison.

How many books do you usually read at a time?

Just one, if I can help it.

I know it’s difficult, but give us your current top five books.

  • Agatha Christie – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
  • Lee Child – The Midnight Line, a Jack Reacher novel
  • Chuck Palahniuk – Fight Club
  • J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Eoin Colfer – Artemis Fowl

Favorite authors?

Agatha Christie and Lee Child are my current favorites, but growing up Roald Dahl was my absolute favorite.

Any particular genre that you’re especially in love with?

I’m particularly fond of thrillers as of late.

What did you do before you worked at Lemuria?

I worked at Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Natchez as a library assistant.

If you could share lasagna with any author, dead or alive, who would it be? What would you ask them?

I’d love to meet Homer, possibly solve the historical mystery of who he really is.

Why do you like working at Lemuria?

I like books.

If Lemuria could have ANY pet (mythical or real), what do you think it should be?

I think a flying monkey would be useful to help us put away the books on the tall shelves.

If you had the ability to teleport, where would you go first?

Japan. My bucket list includes visiting some Shinto shrines.
