How long have you worked at Lemuria? 3 yrs
What do you do at Lemuria? I’m the shipping and accounts manager.
Talk to us about what you’re reading right now. Fiction: The Scribe by Matthew Guinn, Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff. NonFic: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (I’m halfway through this. I will probably finish it mid 2016), Animal Liberation and Critical Theory edited by John Sanbonmatsu (This is a great collection of essays concerning the animal and the other), Fortunes of Feminism by Nancy Fraser
What’s currently on your bedside table (book purgatory)? Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James. It’s a good bedside table book.
I know it’s difficult, but give us your current top five books.
1. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
2. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville
3. Molloy by Samuel Beckett
4. Dhalgren by Samuel R Delany
5. Dark Lies The Island by Kevin Barry
Favorite authors? Slavoj Zizek, Camille Paglia, Peter Heller, David Foster Wallace, Samuel Beckett, Kevin Barry
Any particular genre that you’re especially in love with? I’m in love with Science Fiction. It speaks to me.
What did you do before you worked at Lemuria? I cleaned Methamphetamine labs.
Why do you like working at Lemuria? Most things people sell are bullshit. When I sell a book I have the potential to change someone’s life in a big way. How many commodities pack in that potential for $30? You can get mentally gutted and reconfigured with a great book. How much does therapy cost per hour? It’s a lot. Here’s a book that can change your life for the price of a pizza. I love books.
If we could have any living author visit the store and do a reading, who would you want to come? Kevin Barry. He’s my favorite living author right now.
If Lemuria could have ANY pet (mythical or real), what do you think it should be? Goat.
If you had the ability to teleport, where would you go first? The Sun.

Austen sent both of these pictures of himself to me (Hannah), and I just couldn’t choose between the two of them.
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