It’s funny that since I started working at Lemuria I never get any books for Christmas.  To remedy that situation through the years I have just bought myself a few.  I guarantee that there will be a few under the tree with a card that say Merry Christmas Maggie…Love, SC!   This year I thought I might let you all know a few books that I’m interested in just in case the Christmas spirit might move one of you to help me out!!!

Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

This is the new translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.  I usually like to read a classic after the first of the year and have decided that this is the one.  The fact it has been translated by Pevear and Volokhonsky is really the main reason I chose it.  I have read some of their other translations and have really enjoyed them.  I’m embarrassed to let you know that I have never read this book but alas I have only seen the movie.  The time is now!

Hellhound On His Trail by Hampton Sides

When this book came in I really wasn’t interested in reading it but I have had way to many of you telling me how good this is.  This book is about what James Earl Ray ( or rather his alter egos)  and Martin Luther King were doing in the days leading up to Kings assassination.

Spirit of New Orleans by Bruce Keyes

When I look through this photography book of New Orleans it just makes me feel like I am in NOLA.  The photographs just take me back to some experiences I have had myself and I know you have too.  I also think that it will look fantastic on my coffee table!!!

Thanks and hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

