Jacket.aspxAlex A. Alston, Jr., former president of the Mississippi State Bar Association and long time friend and journalist James L. Dickerson will be signing their new book, Devil’s Sanctuary: An Eyewitness History of the Mississippi Hate Crimes this afternoon, Thursday, July 9, at Lemuria.

Having had a chance to peruse this informative and challenging book, I can say personally that these two men have penned an accurate and informative account of civil rights era in Mississippi. For an honest portrayal few could do better with this sordid history than two native Mississippians who have both been in the thick of things for the last several decades. Come get your book signed at 5 p.m. today, read it, and then come back on Tuesday, August 4, at 5 p.m. when the authors will read selections from the book and take questions.

As an added note:
“The New York Post” gave the book a thumbs up this week in a review! This will be a book talked about for some time to come by movers and shakers in Mississippi. An autographed copy should be wanted!

