Matched by Ally Condie is just one of those books that you want to give to everyone you know. This dystopian novel has really struck a cord with me and with Maggie and even my 6th/7th book club. We can’t get enough! Part Hunger Games, part Fahrenheit 451, and completely amazing! It is set in a future world where everything from what you eat to who you marry and when you die is chosen for you. This story will resonate with young adults and adults alike.

All that aside, you can image my elation when I found out Ally would be coming to a school in the area. She will be visiting St. Andrew’s during the day and will be signing our stock here at the store. Although we do not have first editions, I am so excited to offer this book to our customers and to just get it out there to more people. This is one of those life changing kind of books. You can order a signed copy of Matched through our website or by getting on the signing list here at the store. I hope all you non-young adult readers will give this book a chance and snatch you up a signed copy.
