As we finish up 2010 we reflect on the our work and our favorite books – Mark lists his favorites here. Many of my favorites were first editions club picks. Steve Yarbrough’s Safe From the Neighbors and Karl Marlantes’ Matterhorn immediately come to mind because this time last year we were just learning about the first big books of 2010. I’d like to take the opportunity to tell you about the first couple of books we’re learning about for 2011.

Chinaberry Sidewalks by Rodney Crowell

Yes, this is Rodney Crowell the Nashville singer/songwriter who was once son-in-law to Johnny Cash. Chinaberry Sidewalks is Crowell’s memoir about hisĀ  Texas childhood. It’s funny, we had a signing in November for Marshall Chapman – another singer songwriter who is a friend of Crowell’s – in her book she asks Crowell about how he first came to Nashville. Crowell’s book fills in the blanks before he came to Nashville. This book is getting a lot of critical acclaim – it is reminiscent of Mary Karr’s Liar’s Club. Crowell will sign, read, and even perform a few songs on January 19 starting at 5:00.

You Know When the Men are Gone by Siobhan Fallon

We really like picking first time authors for our First Editions Club. It’s fun to work with an upcoming author from the very beginning. For instance we picked Cold Mountain and All Over but the Shoutin’ for the club in 1997. You Know When the Men are Gone is Fallon’s first book. They are short stories, but they are all connected, not by the characters, but by the themes. Each story is either the tale of soldiers in Iraq or of their wives back home. I enjoyed this book very much. Each story is full of suspense – reminiscent of Raymond Carver.
