wholeMaybe you’ve read The China Study by the father and son team T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell at the urging of a doctor or family member.  The 79-year-old father, T. Colin Campbell, has just published a new book this year called Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition. You might ask: Why read another book on nutrition? While The China Study centered on the evidence that a plant-based diet is the best for us, Whole focuses on why it is so difficult to get this information to people and what needs to be done to bring about real change in the human diet and the Western health-care system. It is not necessary to have read The China Study to benefit from Whole.

Campbell divides Whole into three parts. In Part I he shares background on how he came to write The China Study and some of the criticisms that have come out since its publication in 2005 as a way to understand the philosophies presented in Whole. In Part II Campbell argues that one of the biggest barriers to health and long life is the “mental prison” of Western science and medicine. Thousands of researchers work in specialized medicine with no awareness of the big picture, as if each problem stood alone disconnected from any other problem; research with a big-picture is shunned and rarely funded by the medical establishment. In Part III Campbell takes a look at how profit is the rule of our health-care system and how it stops us from making sound decisions about our quality of life. Part IV looks at how economic forces of government and private institutions manipulate public information to increase profit.

Whole is a rigorous examination nutrition science with some direction from Campbell about what we can do to change our culture. At the very least, Whole will put you in the frame of mind to reevaluate how you care for your self and your community.

Click here for Pat’s blog on The China Study.
