This evening come to Lemuria for an unusual diversion.

The Book: Panther Tract is about efforts to control the population of the wild hog in Mississippi. Published by University Press of Mississippi, the photography is beautiful and the stories have been collected from boar hunters across Mississippi and beyond. Chef John Folse has also contributed his best recipes.

Visit with some of the many story contributors in full hunting attire, the owner of Panther Tract, Howard Brent (left), and the photographer Melody Golding.

Some of the diversions will include a movie, beer, maybe some music, two wild boar heads, and a few hard working hog dogs.

If you’re not familiar to the lifestyle of hunting, you might ask as Hank Burdine did in the introduction to Panther Tract:

“Why do we hunt the wild boar when we can go to Kroger and buy all the bacon and hams we want?”

Come on over this evening and get the stories! It all starts at 5:00.
