People that work in bookstores love to talk books. (actually we just plain love books) So of course we’re always getting asked “what are you reading”. Well, this and that, but lately the answer has been Judy Moody. Having kids means I don’t get to read as much as I might want – I mean I don’t get to read as much in the “grown-up” genres. Harper is five almost six and we’ve read every Judy Moody book and are on the very last of the spin off series about Judy’s brother Stink. I can’t really explain the Judy Moody phenomenon – you’ll have to trust me – Judy is cool and zaney and little girls like this stuff.

Another book we have read recently is Children Make Terrible Pets by Peter Brown. This beautifully illustrated book flips the normal childhood experience of finding an animal in your yard and asking your parents if you can keep it. In this story a bear cub finds a little boy and although his mother tells him that Children Make Terrible Pets he still has to find out for himself. Maybe Anna will read this one at story time sometime.

Harper is learning to read and we had a tolerable time sounding out words in the Peter Brown book, while in the Judy Moody books we are usually so carried away by the story that we don’t work on our reading as much.

Check out Judy Moody here.

and Children Make Terrible Pets here.

and if you’re wondering the boy child is still way into truck books.
