In this and any election season, things can get…tense. If you get too vocal, you can lose friends. Or what was once a mere political disagreement can become a family feud that lasts for generations. Recently we were sent a few promotional buttons that read GANDALF FOR PRESIDENT, one of which I immediately pinned to my purse. My preference is clear, and it’s one I don’t mind sharing. Rather than lose sleep and shell out the big bucks for massages to relieve our political tensions, why not have a good laugh over the whole circus–and teach our kids a thing or two about how our democracy works along the way??

Enter Bad Kitty, a hilarious character written and illustrated by Nick Bruel–who is coming to visit us and crack your kids up on Thursday, September 20th at 4 PM! Bad Kitty is fed up with stray cats digging in her neighborhood garbage cans, and she’s determined to do something about it. Good thing Old Kitty’s second term as president of the Neighborhood Cat Club is just about up!

If you and your kids haven’t met Bad Kitty yet, there’s never been a better time. This hilariously written and illustrated series will not only have kids rolling with laughter, but theĀ  also sneakily teach them real facts about cats and, in this newest installment, the election process. (If your child has been begging for a kitten, talk about two birds…this series will gently educate them on the realities of cat ownership as well!)

You know how those times you’ve laughed the hardest stick out in your memory, no matter how many years have passed? Laughter serves the same purpose here, helping kids remember important lessons in democracy and citizenship.

If you haven’t brought your kids to Lemuria recently (or ever) to meet an author and have a keepsake book signed and inscribed with their names, now is the time. Making the connection between books and the real people who create them is so exciting for children, and is a vital part of raising lifelong readers and learners. Bad Kitty is a series targeted at preschool through third grade children–bring yours in to Lemuria for an event they’ll never forget!

by Mandy
