Last time we were reading Judy Moody, but we have moved through every Judy Moody book and every possible spin-off of Judy Moody.

So, in search of a new series we found Just Grace. A cute series about a girl named Grace in a class where there are four girls named Grace – so of course each gets a nickname. For example Gracie or Grace F., but when the teacher gets to the last Grace she asks if she can be called just Grace and the teacher says “great idea, we’ll call you Just Grace” So our heroine is stuck with a nickname she despises. Each book is interspersed with the comics that Grace draws of her adventures. And, very important for bedtime reading, the chapters are short!

But much more important news – almost nightly she is reading to me! We’ve been reading the little books that her teacher sends from school for us to practice and she is making huge progress. So today we picked out a stack of level 1 books for a little variety. Can’t wait to dig into these.

And her brother? Still stuck on the truck shelf. And that’s ok.
