John Evans has always a very clear business plan, to make Lemuria the best bookstore he can for our community, the best bookstore for Jackson, MS. For us that has been a lot of different things – a great environment, a well chosen selection, first editions for the collector, and in recent years a dynamic website and blog. John’s goal to give Jackson a great bookstore is also why we have all of theses book signings and readings you’re always hearing about. The chance to meet and hear a great literary writer read from his or her book is a wonderful experience – we often have prize winning authors, but we also have lesser known authors who are up and coming or who have written great books and of course we have a lot of non-fiction book signings as well, history, philosophy, etc.

All of this to say that we are thrilled to be able to bring Dr. Timothy Keller to Jackson. It seems that everywhere I go someone asks me about this event, but for those of you who don’t know Tim Keller’s work he is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York – a church that has more than 5000 in attendance each Sunday. He has also published 5 books in the last four years all with Penguin Putnam – the first, The Reason for God, reached number seven on the New York Times non-fiction bestseller list.

Lemuria has teamed up with R.U.F. (Reformed University Fellowship) and Belhaven University to bring Keller to Jackson. We set up the event with Keller’s Publisher, R.U.F. is helping with coordination and marketing, and Belhaven is hosting the event at their Center for the Arts. (click the here if you don’t know where that is) We will have copies of all of Keller’s books for sale and he will sign after his talk until everyone is happy. We are taking advance orders if you can’t make it or wish to place larger orders for signed books. The new book is King’s Cross and you can read all about it on our website right here.

Who: Dr. Timothy Keller

What: Speaking and Signing

When: Thurs., February 24 at 7:00 (doors will open at 6:00)

Where: Belhaven University’s Center for the Arts
