I love our First Editions Clubs. Both the original FEC and the newer OZ FEC books are carefully thought through with pride and
thoughtfulness. When I tell people about the club–that we reserve a copy of this month’s pick for you, mylar it for you and make sure that it not only gets signed, but is also a first edition, first printing–their next question is usually, “So how much is it to sign up? How much does this service cost?” To which I usually say, “Besides the books you buy, absolutely nothing.” How great is that? You don’t even have to do your homework on which books to buy!

We’re like that kid in class that everybody got their answers from, except you don’t have to forfeit your pudding cup to get it. With all that said, it gives me even more joy to announce a first for the OZ FEC. Anna Dewdney, the author and illustrator of our September OZ FEC pick, LLAMA LLAMA TIME TO SHARE, has drawn a beautiful image of dear Llama in his brand spanking new OZ Books t-shirt. This t-shirt was modeled off the old, shall we say vintage, OZ
books t-shirts. How pretty is that! And OZ First Edition Club members will be receiving their very own copy of this image in a special run of signed and numbered prints done just for our special OZ members. And don’t even ask me how much this adds to what you pay for being a member or for the book. My answer is the same as before: absolutely nothing! Are you jealous yet? We finally sway you into the club with our version of frilly toothpicks? Fear not! You can still sign up for the OZ First Editions club and get your very own signed and numbered Llama Goes to Lemuria print! Email Emily (emily@lemuriabooks.com) or call the store (601.366.7619) to sign up!

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