Business and the Buddha: Doing Well by Doing Good
by Lloyd Field
Foreword by the Dalia Lama
Wisdom Publications (2007)

As I have read business books over the years, I have read them with the goal of improving my work and the store.

I believe we work hoping to do well and be successful. We hope our good work is meaningful to those we engage in the workplace and those we help by our services rendered. Being in business solely for profit seems to shortchange us. True business worth is sharing human values and understanding realities about our contribution to others and our planet.

I find the continuous effort of imprinting the quality of my life’s labor a serious and rewarding project. Field’s book gives insight to help the reader address their life work choice with awareness. He presents helpful ideas of alternative concepts dealing from profit to ecology, from global economics to personal self value, from business ethics to creating a healthy workplace, etc.

This is not a difficult or dry business book, but one to be read with an open attitude giving the reader new ideas on how to increase work pleasure and reward.
