Author: Lemuria (Page 4 of 16)

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Post: Spend your weekends here

Another weekend has come and gone and you might have sung the same old song to the tune of “there’s nothing to do in Jackson”. If you did, you, madam or sir, are incorrect. We do not live in a desert or a monastery, we live in a city with LOTS of things to do. Here to tell you about it are Brianna Wilson and Joanna Haywood, law students at the MC School of Law downtown. I suggest you take their advise and get off of your fanny and into the city.


Underground 119

Since I moved to Jackson, Underground 119 has been one of my favorite places to go.  Nestled in downtown Jackson, it is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just relax for a while.  I always enjoy going to Underground after a long day of studying.  Things don’t get crowded until closer to dinner, and it is nice to just sit and talk with friends or watch the musician for the night set up and rehearse.

The atmosphere completely changes when it gets dark.  The lights are dimmed and people pour in from the street above to be serenaded by talented musicians from both near and far.  The space of the restaurant lends itself to a surprisingly intimate dinner setting, despite the echoing of jazz and blues and the chatter of other patrons.  The climate of this unique place is not the only attraction; I have found that the food is quite delicious and have never been let down by a dish I’ve ordered.  I will say that the steak quesadillas are my absolute favorite!  Everyone should enjoy this unique gem buried in downtown Jackson!


Written by Brianna Wilson 


Babalu Tacos and Tapas 

If I had to pick one word to describe my idea of an amazing Friday night, it would have to be BABALU!  It’s located right in the heart of Fondren, and if you’re looking for some great Latin cuisine, this is the place to be! From their ever popular guacamole as an appetizer, to their Lamb Baracoa Tacos for dinner, you are sure to have your appetite satisfied. No worries if you’re simply looking for a relaxing spot to take the edge off, with their wide variety of margaritas, Babalu is sure to help. I highly recommend making this place a part of your list of things to try when stopping by Fondren in Jackson. I guarantee you will not regret it!!

Babalu's Best_DSC2833

Written by Joanna Haywood

Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Post: We Are Here to Stay

Written by Mary Margaret Miller White 

I first met Barry White at a Bobby Rush concert in Oxford, Mississippi. I had just turned 21 and he had recently moved to the “velvet ditch” as a Mississippi State post-grad. We chatted as casually as one can while Bobby Rush and his lovely dancers are on stage, and talked about who we knew in common and where we came from. I call the Delta home and am fiercely proud of my rural roots. Barry hails from Jackson, and is the first to tell you about the “old St. Joe” or the Dutch Bar or Fields Café.

See, Delta folks usually navigate north to Memphis, so at the time the most I knew of Jackson was the strangely-lit basketball court at Jackson Academy and the post-shopping stop at Old Tyme Deli where my mother and I would sip coffee and share pastries. All fine memories, but no real reason to love the city.  I told Barry on that February night of 2003 that I would “never live in Jackson, Mississippi.” But seven years of dating and a million trips to the Capitol City for weddings, parades and big meals in Belhaven changed my mind, and now we are here to stay.

On October 1, 2011, Barry and I got married and celebrated our nuptials on the grounds of Welty Commons. This hidden gem of a coffee shop and courtyard was the perfect setting for our sort of celebrating. We had a band in the gallery, a cake in the big house and bare feet in the fountain. The bluest sky and the crispest breeze unfolded on that October day, allowing us to open every window and door on the grounds. Mandolin and fiddle sounds were filtered only by laughter. Our friends and family danced so hard the wooden floors of the gallery room seemed to turn to foam, bouncing guests from one number to the next. We ate and drank and never wanted the day to end.

Welty Commons_DSC7745

That light-filled afternoon seems magical and mystical to me today, but I do remember clearly that everyone felt at home in this space devoted to Miss Welty’s birthplace. And now, I feel at home here in Jackson where Barry and I have decided to plant our roots. Barry often reminds me of how I once said I would “never live in Jackson, Mississippi,” and I have learned over the years to eat my humble pie and be grateful for my marriage and my home here.

Welty’s One Writer’s Beginnings has always been a favorite, and in just a few lines, Welty sums up the lifetime of searching, learning, and loving I’ve tried to describe here:

“It is our inward journey that leads us through time – forward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. Each of us is moving, changing, with respect to others. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge.”



Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 


Let’s Talk Jackson: Marshall Ramsey reviews “Jackson”

The following article was written by Marshall Ramsey and was published on August 2, 2014 in the Clarion-Ledger


(Photo: “Jackson” book cover )

After a recent cartoon I drew about Jackson, a caller asked me, “Why should I care about Jackson?” I should have sent him Ken Murphy’s new book “Jackson” (Lemuria Books, 2014).

For 15 years, photographer Murphy has captured Mississippi’s beauty with his camera. In “Jackson,” he not only chronicles the interesting landmarks but tells the colorful story of its people as well.

It takes you on a tour without having to start your car.

Start in the lobby of Lemuria Books. Buckle up and read the foreword by owner John Evans and then read Jacksonian Leland Speed’s introduction. Then let your journey begin.

Head downtown and see Jackson’s historic City Hall. Then cruise over to the Governor’s Mansion and the Mississippi Old Capitol. By now you’ll notice how this book is different: These aren’t just postcard photos of buildings. The streets are teeming with paradegoers from Mal’s St. Paddy’s Parade. You not only see the city’s beauty: You feel its pulse.

Keep turning the pages. You’re taken geographically and historically through the city. Medgar Evers home (you see the driveway where he was gunned down) sits next to the William F. Winter Archives & History building. A winding road carries you into Greenwood Cemetery where you’ll stop in front of Eudora Welty’s grave. See Eddie Cotton’s performance at Duling Hall. On the next page are legends Bobby Rush and Jesse Robinson. Jackson’s musical roots run deep. All your senses are engaged visually now. You can almost smell the magnolias in Belhaven and hear the cheers at a Jackson State football game.

Hungry? Stop at Two Sisters Kitchen, Parlor Market, The Mayflower, The Elite or one of Jackson’s other fantastic restaurants. Or just pick up some fresh vegetables at the Farmer’s Market. Thirsty? Pull up a stool at Hal & Mals. You can almost hear writer Willie Morris holding court. Walk into the men’s room and see the tribute to Elvis. Head up State Street. See Fondren rise like a phoenix. Isn’t that Governor Winter’s home? Sure. He just happens to be standing in front of it.

Your tour continues, and you sit in Welty’s den and see her writing room. The warmth of the light in the photograph matches the power of her prose. Then you can step into one of Jackson’s art galleries to marvel at the talent that emanates from the city. See Jackson’s houses of worship and institutions of higher education. Take a stroll on a path near the Pearl River and see how close wildlife is to city life. Head to the State Capitol and see where the political sausage is made. Bored? Catch a festival. Go to a museum. Listen to a concert. Go to the Mississippi State Fair. The sun is going down? No problem. The photos and fun continue. Some of Murphy’s most compelling images are the ones taken at night.

Now you’re at the finish line — the Blues Marathon & Half Marathon finish line. Cross it and sit back, relax and read the plate details. It’s when Jackson’s history comes to life. “Jackson” broadened my knowledge of the city where I’ve worked in for nearly two decades.

Murphy and Lemuria Books have given us a book that deepens our knowledge and appreciation of a complex, interesting city. The city of Jackson should be celebrated. And “Jackson” does it well.

Marshall Ramsey, a two-time Pulitzer finalist, is a nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist, author, speaker and Mississippi Public Broadcasting radio host. He has drawn cartoons in Jackson for The Clarion-Ledger since 1996.


• Photographs by Ken Murphy

• Foreword by John Evans

Publisher: Lemuria Bookstore

Pages: 183

Price: $75

Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Houses in Jane Austen’s Life and Fiction

The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)–Mississippi Region is excited to host Iris Lutz, President of JASNA, the weekend of September 6-8th. The Mississippi Region of JASNA is less than two years old, but has already been recognized by the national organization for its quick buildup of membership (over 30 members across the state), interesting events (academic classes, tea parties, films and discussions), scholarship (articles by members in JASNA’s prestigious journal Persuasions), and unique Jane Austen-inspired products (t-shirts, notecards, bookmarks, earrings, and Christmas ornaments). Ms. Lutz ‘s visit is a wonderful recognition of our new region.

Ms. Lutz will be making her keynote presentation in the Ellen Douglas Meeting Room at the Eudora Welty Library on Sunday afternoon. Ms. Lutz’s powerpoint presentation is entitled “Houses in Jane Austen’s Life and Fiction.” This illustrated talk on houses in Jane Austen’s real and imagined worlds will shed light on many of the homes and estates that figured in her life and novels. The visual tour will feature houses Austen lived in and visited while in Chawton, Bath, Winchester, and Kent. Friends of the Library will help host and provide hospitality for the event.

Ms. Lutz’s program is free and open to the public. Please join JASNA-Mississippi and Friends of the Library on Sunday, September 7th, at 2:30 at the Eudora Welty Library for this exciting event.

Let’s Talk Jackson: Positive, beautiful things

The following article was written by Billy Watkins and published on August 2, 2014 in The Clarion-Ledger.


(Photo: Greg Jenson/The Clarion-Ledger, Greg Jenson/The Clarion-Ledger)

John Evans was born in Jackson on Aug. 13, 1950, at the old Baptist Hospital.

He grew up here, has owned a business here — Lemuria Books — for 39 years and raised a family here.

“Only time I left was to go to college at Ole Miss,” Evans says, and then laughs. “I really haven’t been much of anywhere except Jackson and Oxford.”

That last statement is a slight stretch, of course. But Evans’ point is clear: He loves Jackson. His most precious childhood memories are sewn with its thread. It bothers him that the city often gets a bad rap, even if it’s often deserved.

“It’s a matter of what you focus on,” he says. “There are so many great, positive, beautiful things about Jackson that so many people seem to either take for granted or simply forget exist.”

He is attempting to awaken the grown-ups and educate the youngsters with a new coffee table photograph book, “Jackson.” It was published by Evans and Lemuria Books. It was Evans’ brainchild, literally a second job for the past two years. And now it is his mission to get the book into as many hands as possible. He would like to recoup his printing expenses, and he won’t weep if it makes a little money. But he says success will be measured by how many people give his book — and his hometown — an open-minded chance.

“I don’t think people can flip through the pages, really look closely at the wonderful things Jackson has to offer, and then tell me that this city doesn’t have potential,” he says. “That’s our brand for the book — ‘Let’s talk Jackson.’ Let’s talk about what’s good, what’s bad, what’s possible. And let’s really talk, honestly, about what Jackson can be. Because I think the possibilities are endless.”

He isn’t blind to Jackson’s problems.

“We’ve been hit with issues like a pie in the face,” he says. “Crime is bad. The streets are bad. The water problem is bad and has caused a tremendous waste in tax dollars, according to what I read in The Clarion-Ledger this week. There has been a lack of leadership, a lack of understanding the importance of small businesses. I totally acknowledge all that. I’ve lived it.

“But I still see the beauty.”

Jackson wasn’t Mayberry when Evans was a child, but there were similarities.

His parents had rural backgrounds. His dad, John, grew up in Lake, and his mom, Dot, was raised in the tiny Scott County community of Forkville.

Evans first lived with his parents in a house across the street from what is now Belhaven University. They soon moved to a house on Avondale Drive, in the Fondren area. He would ride his bicycle to Duling Elementary, and then after school across the parking lot to Brent’s, where he would order fries and “those great malted milkshakes made the old-fashioned way.”

Evans’ world was shaken at age 12, in November 1962, when his dad died of a heart attack while mowing the yard.

His mother went to work as the Hinds County home economist. He had to get used to an empty house when he arrived after school.

“But everybody around us in the neighborhood were our friends,” he says, “so it wasn’t like I had no one to go to if I needed anything. And I was over at my friends’ houses a lot.

“So many of the friends I had back then are still among my best friends today.”

One of them, Pat Hall, has worked at Lemuria on and off for the past 35 years. She grew up one street over from Evans.

“My medical doctor was a member of my 10-year-old baseball team,” Evans says. “I’ve had a pretty good life, being able to run a bookstore in my hometown and staying in close touch with so many of the people I grew up with.”

All of those things, from the milkshakes at Brent’s to playing on the same youth baseball fields on Lakeland as his son did 28 years later, keep Evans from giving up on Jackson. It motivates him to keep others from giving up, too.

The “Jackson” photos were taken by Ken Murphy, who has done other notable photographic work in Mississippi.

His pictures of the city are stunning. More than once, I had to do a double take. “Is that really in Jackson?” I would ask myself. And then read, yes, there is a place someone can sit and fish and be alone with nature. Crane Creek, in Evans’ old neighborhood.

Among Evans’ favorite photos: bull riding at the Mississippi Black Rodeo “because of the expressions on people’s faces”; the Cherokee restaurant; Eudora Welty’s home; and a lucky shot of former Gov. William Winter standing in front of his home. “He just happened to walk out as Ken was shooting pictures,” Evans explains. “Ken asked him if he would mind being photographed, and he said he would consider it an honor. Sort of meant to be.”

After looking at the collection of photos, I can see at least part of what Evans sees.

But there is something else to remember: While Jackson is home to 175,000, this is the capital city, the only one Mississippians have. It should matter to us all, whether you’re in Corinth or Clarksdale, Oxford or Starkville, Macon or Mendenhall, Laurel or Leakesville, Petal or Pascagoula.

Whether or not you like it, Jackson will always be the face of our state in many ways. Give it a chance.

Contact Billy Watkins at (769) 257-3079 or Follow @BillyWatkins11 on Twitter.

Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Blog: Fire Hazards and Newsrooms

Jim PathFinder Ewing has written six books, published in English, French, German, Russian and Japanese. His latest is “Conscious Food: Sustainable Growing, Spiritual Eating” (Findhorn Press, 2012). His next book — about which he is mysteriously silent — is scheduled to be released in Spring, 2015. Find him on Facebook, join him on Twitter @EdiblePrayers, or see his website,

Looking at the photo of The Clarion-Ledger building, there’s no clue that once it had a feisty rival called the Jackson Daily News, housed in a adjacent portion of that same building. I tell people I worked for the C-L for 32 years; but in fact, the first 10 years were with the JDN, until the papers merged in 1989. Jimmy Ward hired me. Both papers were then owned by the Hederman family. JDN folk bitterly fought to scoop the C-L. We felt like stepchildren, as we were paid less, and had a smaller staff.

We were in the old YMCA building, which is now a C-L parking lot. Gannett tore down the building. The Hedermans apparently didn’t like or trust the JDN building either. The C-L was built on a heavy concrete structure — I’m told, thinking that one day they might build upwards, as a skyscraper. The JDN building was wooden and the floors creaked when anybody walked on them. The Hedermans must have thought it was a firetrap because there were only two doors linking the second floor and both had automatic shields designed to slam shut and seal the C-L building in case of fire. The JDN portion of the building was left to its own fate.

Clarion Ledger

I used to stare at those steel doors while the JDN newsroom puffed on cigarettes, reporters carelessly flipping lit butts in the direction of waste baskets overflowing with wadded up rolls of paper from the AP machine chattering nearby. Sometimes, those rolls did smolder a bit. Nobody had heard of secondhand smoke. When I started working as an editor on the JDN city desk, they gave me a key to the newsroom. When the last Jackson Daily News rolled off the press, there were only three of us editors left.

I still have that key – to a door that no longer exists.


Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Post: Willie’s House

Written by Chris Ray

Willie Morris Hm_DSC8027-2

We always felt that the house chose us as much as we chose it. Carolyn and I had been to a couple of JoAnne’s parties, the last one being the celebration of the movie release of My Dog Skip after Willie died. I was always struck with how real their home felt, surrounded by genuine laughter, someone playing the piano, curiosities and ephemera, and of course, a library’s worth of books.

When JoAnne decided that the house was too big for her to keep up, I believe that she not only wanted to find someone to buy the house, but also to honor it. Which brings up an interesting challenge: how do you make a home yours, while honoring those who came before you?

We’ve tried to do both – and I think that Willie would be happy to see that the cats from the neighborhood still hang out in the crawl space. Curious literary fans still drive by slowly. There are dozens of assorted balls and sports gear scattered about the house, garage, and yard. In fact, our son John keeps a collection of baseballs in the same small closet where Willie kept his. And the books, my gosh, the books. They are everywhere.

We have Willie’s highway map of Yazoo County framed upstairs and a photo downstairs of Willie taken by his son, David Rae. And every now and then, we will find some odd treasure that Willie had hidden or misplaced. I think Willie would like the fact that our neighbors, Governor Winter and Dick Molpus, still tell Willie stories every time we see them. Dick told me recently that Willie would walk down to his house every Christmas to say hello as part of his “once-a-year exercise.”

But I don’t think Willie would want his former home to be a shrine. Or something too precious. I think he would appreciate that the paint is peeling here and there and there’s a patch where we just can’t get grass to grow. I think he’d be happy to see it alive, with the same kind of love and laughter that you felt and heard when he lived there.


Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Post: Woodworth Chapel at Tougaloo College

Written by Seetha Srinivasan

Looking through Jackson: Photographs by Ken Murphy published by Lemuria Books, I was so pleased to see that Tougaloo College’s Woodworth Chapel was included in this book celebrating the city’s landmarks. So when Hannah at Lemuria Books asked if I would post an entry to blog about the book, I accepted with alacrity.


Woodworth Chapel was built in 1901 by students, and is by far the most iconic structure on the 145-year-old Tougaloo College campus. A major renovation has restored the building to all its original beauty, and it is now on the National Register of Historic Places. As it well should be.

From its earliest days the chapel has been at the center of campus life. Notably during the turbulent sixties, Tougaloo was a haven for activists, and the chapel was the epicenter for the Jackson movement. Many a meeting was held there, and such leaders as Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lewis spoke at the chapel. I taught English at Tougaloo from 1969 to 1977, and heard memorable speakers like Ambassador John Kenneth Galbraith and psychologist Kenneth Clark at the chapel. The chapel is often home to concerts, and after the ancient music group Boston Camerata performed there, their leader said that the group had not performed in a venue with better acoustics. Far and away my most unforgettable experience was being present for Fannie Lou Hamer’s appearance at Woodworth Chapel, as she recounted with power and passion her family’s struggles on the Eastland Plantation and then her political involvement. When she concluded by singing “Nobody Knows the Trouble I have Seen,” there was not a dry eye in the packed chapel.


When we came to Tougaloo in 1969, it was on the edge of Jackson in every sense of the word. In the early 1990’s when the college hosted a lunch for business and community leaders, the venue was filled to capacity, reflecting the changing dynamics of the city. Now with Tougaloo College’s Woodworth Chapel included in this collection of photographs paying homage to Jackson, the integration of the institution, is in a sense, complete.

Tougaloo College has a venerable place in the state’s history and culture, and it is only right that Woodworth Chapel be recognized as one of Jackson’s iconic buildings. Thank you to Ken Murphy and to John Evans for giving this stately structure its due in their beautiful book Jackson.


Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at Please join us in celebrating Jackson on August 5th at 5:00 in Banner Hall!

Let’s Talk Jackson: Marsha Cannon for The Scout Guide

The Following article was originally published on The Scout Guide website on August 9, 2014


Marsha Cannon authors On Pinehurst Place, a lifestyle blog centered around art, entertaining, interiors, gardening, Jackson happenings and more. Here, she shares a recent event held in Banner Hall, tied to the release of the highly anticipated book, JACKSON…

Art Space 86 wowed us again this week with their fourth show of the year popping up in Banner Hall. The brainchild of college friends and Jackson artists David West and Jerrod Patridge, Art Space 86 is on a mission to bring art to the people of Jackson in an exciting, new way.


West, a Belhaven art instructor, gives a little insight into the naming of the venture – “Once we’re done, we’ll “86″ it (a restaurant term for pulling something off the menu) and we’ll be popping up somewhere else in the future.” I popped by as they were setting up so you could see that the show does quite literally “pop-up.”  The day of a show, the two friends arrive with hammers and nails to set up, as Partridge calls it, “a party based around art”…

Art 86 JACKSON 1

Each space is completely different and comes with its own challenges but Partridge says this just adds to the excitement of creatively using spaces that were not intended to be used as galleries. When they “86″ this space it looks to me like it could make it as a gallery! There is plenty of natural light…

Art 86 2

and the artwork shows up beautifully…

Art Space 86 3

Previous shows have not really had a theme but this one centered around Jackson – the city. Coinciding with the release of Lemuria and Ken Murphy’s book Jackson, the show featured art inspired by city venues as well as the opportunity to purchase Jackson and have it signed by Mr. Murphy. Between Art Space 86 and Lemuria, Banner Hall was brimming…

AS 86 4

AP 86 5

The creative duo enjoying the event…

AP Guest Group

participating artists…

Art Space 86 artists

I love this feature of the pop up show – a selection of works priced at, you guessed it, $86 each.

Music for each of the shows has been provided by Leo Moreira and Jesus Velazquez…

AP 86 10

Lemuria is doing its part in promoting Jackson with their “Let’s Talk Jackson” movement…

AP 86 11

colorful T-shirts and mugs carry the theme…

AP 86 13

There are many opportunities to meet Ken Murphy and have a book signed…

AS 86 14

as well as several cover choices…

AP 86 15

My personal choice…

AS 86 15

A perfect pair– Lemuria and Art Space 86… Join the conversation!

To keep up with upcoming Art Space 86 events follow them on Facebook at ART SPACE 86.

Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

Let’s Talk Jackson Guest Post: We’re the Ladies in the Jackets

Written by Rebecca Wilkinson

The Mal’s St. Paddy’s Day Parade is one of the highlights of the year in Jackson, MS. Malcolm White is the creator of the parade and owner of Hal and Mal’s Restaurant.  Malcolm makes the point that the parade is beyond a traditional celebration of St. Patrick’s day, but more so it is a celebration of the city of Jackson.

I was a waitress at Hal and Mal’s in the early nineties and enjoyed “working” the parade in the restaurant. With prompting from Malcolm, Lesley McHardy and Ruma Haque formed a marching group in 1999 called the Green Ladies and asked me to join.  I jumped at the chance.  Our group has grown over the years to include 50 woman representing teachers, nurses, artists, dentists, real estate agents, bartenders, and stay-at-home moms.  On the third Saturday of every March, we unite as Green Ladies, decked out in glittery costumes and our signature green jackets.

Pre-parade preparation begins with making costumes and creating our signature throws.  Our costumes reflect the designated theme that is announced at the beginning of the year by Malcolm White.  Themes have encompassed everything from the Wizard of Oz and Elvis to recycling.  The themes have also celebrated local celebrities such as Felder Rushing, Cat Cora, Cotton Baronich, and The New Orleans Saints. Along with the expected beads, bouncy balls, and buttons, the green lady signature throw is a coveted collaged domino that reflects the theme of the parade.  Another Green Ladies ritual is collecting toys and monetary donations for the Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital prior to the parade.  We can be spotted in full costume at Sal and Mookie’s, McDades, Hal and Mal’s, and other local business collecting donations.  Personally, I think this is the best part of participating in such an awesome group.

Old Capitol @ St Paddy's Day_DSC4335_CMYK

Parade day begins with a brunch at the home of Kathy and Michael Potts.  Bloody marys and mimosas grease the wheel of our raucous group of gals.  We then gather in the big room at Hal and Mal’s to put the final touches on our makeup and organize our throws. The big room pre-parade ritual includes visiting with the other marching crews and reunions with out of town marchers who make it back to Jackson to participate. When one o’clock strikes we begin to make our way to the parade route.  Charley Abraham, the long time parade production wizard, begins to wrangle the marching crews into place and we begin the parade.  There is nothing like turning the corner on Capitol Street and seeing the crowds of thousands who show up for the celebration.

The official judges of the parade are the Bucket Heads.  The identity of the Bucket Heads are disguised by, well, buckets. Marching crews usually produce a skit or a dance for the judges.  Green Ladies have been known to spell out parade themed messages attached to their bloomers.  By the time we get to the judges, the bloody marys and mimosas have kicked in and the spelling of the words often get out of order.  It’s to be expected when such a good time is being had by all.

As we march past the museum and onto Court Street, we try to hold on to throws for the last of the masses.  The parade has grown over the years and the crowd just doesn’t seem to stop.  We are some of the first who arrive back at Hal and Mal’s, and it’s not over yet.  The Green Ladies escort the featured New Orleans style brass band onto the stage in the big room for one of the best dance parties in town.  We are all usually sore the next day from dancing, but it is worth it.

The Mal’s  St. Paddy’s Day Parade is the most fun event in our city.  I am so fortunate that it has become an annual celebration and that I am involved.  I can’t wait to see what the theme will be for this up coming year.


Jackson: photographs by Ken Murphy is available now for purchase. To order a copy, call Lemuria Books at 601.366.7619 or visit us online at 

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