There are many books out there about kids with ADHD, but how does a parent cultivate and reinforce good social skills, self-confidence and self-control into a busy day?

Child Psychologist Dr. Lawrence Shapiro has compiled a workbook of 44 simple activities for a child to work on alone or with a parent’s help. The workbook is divided into four sections on the following ADHD challenges: Learning self-control; Overcoming school problems; Making and keeping friends; and Feeling good about yourself.

Shapiro has written this workbook to teach the skills of emotional intelligence as research shows that these skills can be taught just as a child can be taught to read or play a violin. This workbook is designed to compliment a comprehensive treatment program for ADHD. Schools may provide extra help for children with ADHD but that is often not enough. Even after medication and counseling, parents still need to set aside extra time to work with their child. Shapiro’s activities on “How to sit still,” “You can have a best friend,” and “How to handle days when everything seems to go wrong” may be a good place to start.
